Please find below links to websites that are of particular interest to wildlife rehabilitators in NSW.
If you know of a website that would be a useful resource for wildlife carers across NSW, please contact us and let us know about the site.
International Fund for Animal Welfare – Australia
Founded in 1969, the International Fund for Animal Welfare saves individual animals, animal populations and habitats all over the world. With projects in more than 40 countries, IFAW provides hands-on assistance to animals in need, whether it’s dogs and cats, wildlife and livestock, or rescuing animals in the wake of disasters. IFAW also advocates saving populations from cruelty and depletion, such as their campaign to end commercial whaling and seal hunts.
Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC)
The Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) is a non-profit, non-government organisation representing more than 100 community environment groups across NSW. NCC is the state’s peak environment organisation and has a strong reputation for leading effective action and influencing the direction of environment protection in NSW. For more than 55 years we’ve successfully responded to the critical threats to our environment through our statewide network of members, staff and volunteers. We’re working to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature. We strive to achieve an ecologically sustainable society through advocacy, education, research and community empowerment.
Better Planning Network
The Better Planning Network is a network of local communities, organisations and individuals striving to achieve a better planning system for NSW. The BPN is not affiliated with any political party.
Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia
Formed in 1909 with a commitment to preserve and protect our unique Australian wildlife in all its forms. WPSA are one of the oldest conservation societies in Australia and probably one of the oldest in the world.
Environmental Defender’s Office
EDO NSW is the only legal centre in NSW that provides specialist advice about public interest environmental law matters. Since 1985 EDO NSW has pursued its mission of providing public interest legal services to regional, state and national conservation groups, resident action groups and individuals, to protect the built and natural environment.
Australian Registry of Wildlife Health
Founded at Taronga Zoo in 1985 and has since grown into a diagnostic and resource centre. The Registry focuses on detecting and diagnosing endemic, emerging and exotic diseases of wildlife that could have impacts on Australia’s trade/economy, biodiversity, tourism and human health.
The Australian Mammal Society (AMS)
An interdisciplinary society of biologists whose common interest is in the biology and conservation of Australian mammals. Research spans a wide variety of biological disciplines including behavioural and community ecology, population genetics, management and conservation. The goal of the Society is to contribute to the greater understanding of the Australasian mammalian fauna.
Australian Marsupial Society
Established in 1981, the Society continues, through this web site, to promote public awareness and be a major source of information and education to the world on matters relating to the keeping and breeding of Australian Marsupials in captivity; the hand-rearing of orphaned Marsupials; and conservation of Australian Mammals in the wild.
NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
This link takes you to the OEH wildlife rehabilitation pages.
Australian Wildlife Health Network
A national initiative of the Commonwealth Government and is managed under the Wildlife Exotic Disease Preparedness Program (Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry). Its mission is to promote and facilitate collaborative links across Australia in the investigation and management of wildlife health in support of human and animal health, biodiversity and trade. Its vision is for a nationally integrated wildlife health system for Australia.
Australian Bird Image Database
Part of Aviceda, a comprehensive database of bird images from a range of professional and amateur photographers. Well worth a visit.
Australasian Wildlife Management Society
Objectives of the Society are: to promote the study and application of scientific wildlife management, and to provide opportunities for discussion and the dissemination of information among members by appropriate means such as meetings, workshops, and publications.
Birdlife Australia (formerly Birds Australia)
BirdLife Australia is the place for everyone to gather together as a united force and work towards a sustainable future for our native birds. Our work with Australian birds stretches back over 100 years. BirdLife Australia is dedicated to achieving outstanding conservation results for our native birds and their habitats. With our specialised knowledge and the commitment of our Australia-wide network of members, volunteers and supporters, we are making a real difference for Australia’s birds.
Birds in Backyards
A research, education and conservation program focusing on birds and the urban environment. Includes ‘bird finder’, a catalogue of over 140 birds, including pictures and sounds for some species.
The Centre for Volunteering
The Centre for Volunteering is the peak body in NSW promoting and supporting volunteering and community participation. The Centre for Volunteering includes Volunteering NSW, and the School of Volunteer Management, a registered training organisation. We connect people and organisations through referral, training, resource development, information and education services. Helping people get involved in their communities, and enhance the capacity and skills of not-for-profit organisations, corporations and government to become involved.
NSW Threatened Species Website
From OEH – a valuable source of information on NSW threatened species.
Wombat Protection Society
The Wombat Protection Society of Australia is a Not for Profit Charitable Organisation which was formed to raise money to fund projects that provide wombats with immediate protection from harm, enhance the quality of life of individuals or groups of wombats and to fund projects which develop or maintain suitable habitat and/or sanctuaries for wombats.
The fund for animals. Voiceless will work to promote respect and compassion for animals, increase awareness of the conditions in which they live and take action to protect animals from suffering.
Protocols for the Translocation of Macropods
This 46-page document has been formally reviewed by Dr Howard Ralph and Dr Rosemary Austen.
NWC Affiliated Groups Annual Reports